Each region of Spain has its own identity and there is no question of confusing the Basques, Catalans, Andalusians or Castilians. It is thanks to these differences and the extraordinary wealth and diversity of cultures that this country, in full development for 30 years, attracts many gay travelers every year. Madrid offers gays and lesbians the diversity of major capitals while the Canary Islands, Ibiza, Torremolinos, Sitges and Barcelona are among the main gay spots in Europe.

Spain is the third most popular tourist country in the world, and its not hard to see why. Every region is Spain has it's own flavour .Spain  is a diverse country in Mediterranean Europe, sharing the Iberian Peninsula with Portugal at the western end of the Mediterranean Sea. Among many places, Spain is the home of the thriving capital Madrid, the vibrant coastal city of Barcelona, the famous running with the bulls at Pamplona, and the city where flamenco was born: Sevilla.


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