Gay Sejour is the reference guide for gay and lesbian travel: hotel, guest house, vacation rental, gay-friendly restaurant, gay bar, gay sauna, gay beach. With Gay Sejour find the best gay addresses in Italy to organize your trip and your trips. Thanks to the network and the link created by Gay Sejour, we can guarantee to our guests the reliability, the quality, the authenticity and the gay and gay friendly friendliness of our reception and our programs in Italy.

Italy has some of the world's most ancient tourist resorts, dating back to the time of the Roman Republic, when destinations such as Pompeii, Naples Ischia, Capri and especially Baiae were popular with the rich of Roman society.
Italy is home to forty one UNESCO World Heritage Sites, more than any other country, including many entire cities such as Verona, Siena, Vicenza, Ferrara, San Gimignano, and Urbino. Ravenna hosts an unprecedented eight different internationally recognized sites.


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