Tantric massage is a small part of the art of tantrism which brings together a number of disciplines such as tantric yoga, tantric meditation or tantric breathing.
The main objective of tantric massage is to activate male and female bodily energies in order to unite them to us. It is a powerful, tender, sensual and spiritual massage which will awaken the vital energy, the Kundalini located at the base of the spine, and diffuse it throughout our body, through the energy centers: the Chakras and the Nadis.
Kundalini, known to instill a very high amount of energy in a person, will create a rebalancing on the physical, emotional and spiritual levels. Tantric massage will act on these 3 levels, while untangling the bodily, emotional, mental and behavioral knots.
Tantric massage is not, however, an erotic massage and even less sexual. It is a sensual massage whose touch does not seek to "excite" but to stimulate the sensitivity of the body. It will allow, by touching the body in its entirety and avoiding ejaculation, to awaken the internal sexual energy, which it will seek at its source, around the sex and in the lower sacrum of the massaged, for the spread throughout the body, developing in us a feeling of lightness, and thus creating a state of pleasure and happiness, which can go as far as bodily orgasm or even static, as if you were touching the heart of your being.
Tantric massage is a meeting, a connection that can only be experienced if there is a real letting go and total trust between the two partners.
Connecting to the very essence of tantric massage is not so obvious, sometimes you have to receive several tantric massages before you can live the unique experience that it represents in all its power and magnificence.